Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Mince pies and the best of 2009

Hope everyone is now happily full of their favourite things, whether it be mince pies, chocolates, turkey with stuffing or the warmth of human happiness.

So having travelled, eaten, washed up (many times) and successfully shown nephews and nieces the correct way to fly a model helicopter am now back in JP HQ ready to catch up on what the blogsphere has been up to.

And there are already some very nice best of 2009 posts to read, including (in no order apart from tabs of my browser):

First up there's H2uhO's comments in the original post that focus's on iPhone apps (which is something should look into and post in near future). He also posted some sailing reflections from 2009 which sort of count too.

Adam's Moments in Sailing Blogging in 2009 which includes the NY meet up (what a great idea), Bowsprite's great paintings which make even the most humble tug look beautiful, the definitely worth subscribing to Keep Turning Left YouTube videos, and many others.

O'Docker goes back to his roots in commenting on others blogs, and if you haven't read that fantastic book "Blog Commenting for Dummies" you should order your copy asap from the author - magic stuff

Bonnie, apart from tempting us with freshly baked bread (oh, I so want smell-o-vision) and a fantastically Christmas / The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe picture, reminded us how great Tillerman's challenges have been and her experiences in dinghy sailing (woh! not kayaking you ask? - well go and read).

Tillerman himself gave us three mince pies which included two of my favourites - the 10 reason why almost gave up sailing and the Laser experience. Actually the latter is Buff's favourite as one of the few who claim to have finished it (but then he does claim a lot of things). I was meaning to comment on the 10 raisins list but was travelling at the time as its something that could also apply to me.

And last but by no means least so far is Carol Anne with 10 high spots of what otherwise sounds like not a good year. Luckily it includes two of my favs, namely the "This is awkward" writing competition, which had fun in responding to, and the sailing light bulb jokes which recommend heading over to straight away for some post Christmas humour.

Any more out there?

Oh yes, mine. Well that's one of several posts over the last few days of 2009 including one about a man in a pink fairy costume.

Update: some stats, the top ten posts, and a favourite from Tugster here.