Saturday, May 12, 2012

Top 100 Travel Blog

Yesterday's post might have seemed a bit off-topic.

What was the boating angle? you might have asked. There were no shots of spinnakers flying, kayak blades cutting the water or Laser sailors doing handstands.

However those Technorati blog watching servers would have approved.

I don't often check out what Technorati thinks of this blog so didn't expect to find it in the top 100 travel blogs - actually hovering just outside the top 50.

Which was surprising as in the last year or two travel opportunities have been limited. While previously I'd been to interesting places like Venezuela's Orinoco Delta and the remote monasteries of Georgia recent posts have usually been restricted to London.

But why look further? In a recent survey by TripAdvisor London was voted the number one tourist destination for 2012.

Quite right too: as Samuel Johnson once said "when a man is tired of blogging about London he is tired of blogging."

Or something like that.

Updated: now top 50 (just):