Saturday, September 1, 2007

The Highest Tide

There was a spring tide last night, with a predicted range a rather impressive 6.7m at London Bridge according to the tide tables at the Port of London Authority. That's three days after the full moon for those that are keeping an eye on the sky.

Coincidently I have just finished a novel called "The Highest Tide" about a boy growing up around the bays of the Puget Sound. I really enjoyed it and wished I was either back at Ti Al Lannec (where I started it) and could potter around the rock pools or even back in the Straits of Juan de Fuca where I went whale watching a few years ago.

Then I realised I should just look a bit more locally - such as out the window. Here I saw sea birds washing, drying, and eating, a range of flotsam and jetsam, and a green border of algae I hadn't seen before:

I should pop out there and have a closer look as would Miles, the young hero of The Highest Tide.

Alas my afternoon chore is to read Open University course B821 Unit 9: Credit, Liquidity, and Operational Risk.
