Saturday, September 8, 2007

Weekend Plans

What are your weekend plans?

What I would like to do is:
- go for a run or a swim
- look for some side tables for my flat
- go for a bike ride along the Thames Path, maybe finding some blackberries
- explore the local sailing clubs so can go afloat like in the picture above
- having friends or family round for a meal

What I will actually be doing is:
- having a meeting with a business adviser to go through some spreadsheets
- answering questions on forex, futures, and risk for my OU course

Actually its not all bad as doing one of the first list - having friends round for dinner Sunday evening, roast chicken with all the trimmings on the menu.

And its a lot better than next weekend, when have to do a business trip have been putting off for many months. But trying not to think about that yet!