Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Review: Navionics Mobile Charts

Following on from yesterdays iPad review here's another, of the Navionics Mobile Charts, and to be honest it's a bit disappointing.

Maybe its the glow of a recent purchase and seeing something about entering lat/longs directly made me think there was iNavX style features. But no, waypoints can only be entered by finger taps on screen.

There are some nice features, such as ability to overlay Google or Bing! maps:

And as before there is a pretty graphic to show tidal rates and directions:

But the round the island route had only a little more functionality than Google Earth's path tool.

It's not a serious navigational tool, it's like a coffee table book: nice to look at and talk about. The market is social, for occasions where trips are planned or talked about afterwards.

As the warning goes: not to be used for navigation.

Get iNavX instead and download the charts you need.