Friday, August 6, 2010

Overheard at the Fowey Classics

While I was wandering around the Royal Fowey Yacht Club I overheard half of a conversation.

Said one sailor about an unknown boat "their handicap is far too low - they were right up there with Aeolus!"

As the bowman of Aeolus that was a conversation I was happy to share with my skipper and fellow crew over dinner last night.

To be honest Aeolus is rather fast and we are working pretty well as a team: all those races in Sweden for the Square Metre Rule Centenary really helped. As Tillerman recently posted, you have to work at this racing business.

With hindsight we should have flown the big spinnaker which would have put our winning margin into double figures (see above). However that might not quite have been in line with the "ethos" of the regatta.