Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Technology and the Fowey Classics

The Fowey Classics is not about technology - or at least nothing more complicated than varnish. But a short post is needed to explain the lack of photos.

The problem is the iPad has no USB or SD interface, which is not helped by my camera being CF based. The only way to upload one is to take it on the iPhone and then email them to myself.

The iPhone is of course kept a long way from water hence the above is a rare exception. I understand the RFYC web site has been down due to web master holiday, but no doubt both it and this blog will have more in days to come.

However the iThings have shown their worth when we almost didn't get registered as the organisers wanted to see our insurance but we didn't have the relevant papers. Doom!

In the end we got the insurance company to email them to me, then I could download it as a PDF to my iPhone using the clubs Wifi. Cue a game of pinch and zoom with the race committee to find the relevant dates, numbers and inclusions.

Hurrah! So today we raced and we weren't bad at all.

More later.....