Monday, February 28, 2011

This is not a navigation post

I was going to post a review of a book tonight, but will have to delay it until tomorrow, as it is a book about navigation.

Unfortunately it seems that reading endless (ok about 42) navigation posts has already caused Tillerman to retreat leaving a paranoid android call Marvin Arvin to take over the Proper Course. It also caused O'Docker to complain of unfair practices in me apparently flooding the blogsphere with navigation posts in order to win a book I already own.

So I won't explain how you can navigate your way to Hawaii by lying on your back on the foredeck, head to the mast, so you could use it as a pointer to Arcturus, which should spin its way directly overhead: you will just have to simply admire the beauty that is the night's sky.

And I won't explain how the Egyptian King Necho II sent an expedition of Phoenicians to sail from the Red Sea to the Mediterranean the long way round, which found its way by simply keeping turning right, so you will have to watch Dylan's Keep Turning Left instead.

Instead I'll simply post a picture of the daffodils which are currently opening in the parks nearby.

And there can't be any navigational information in daffs coming out where JP lives on the 28th February - can there?