Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Buff's Mandatory Laser Bill

G'day all! Buff Staysail here, Buff by name and Buff by nature!

Well JP's a bit low this evening so I've cooked up another bit of Buff Enterprise magic to make the blues go away! Yup, it's another Get-Rich-Scheme courtesy of your's truly.

I read this article about how some state (anyone heard of a "South Dakota"?) is going to make it mandatory to own a gun, and that raised the interesting question - why stop there?

Let's take it to its logical conclusion and make it mandatory to own a Laser!!

Let's do the maths for California. There's about 12m households, so if each one pays (say) $1k (prices slashed for mass production - which of course will be in state, hence reducing unemployment, win-win) and yours truly gets a 2.5% commission (very reasonable, well below Buff's usual 20%) that makes a whopping $ 300 million.

Now of course we've got to be realistic here, no need to get greedy. A lot of this will be funnelled via the in-house B-Street lobby firm into sufficient campaign funds to get this radical legislation passed. We can argue it's all to do with health  - you know get active, reduce medical bills bla bla bla...

But it will be worth it - create jobs AND make those yanks healthier AND give Tillerman a bit of competition AND get the price of sails down AND make ol' Buff truly loaded.
