Monday, February 20, 2012

JP puzzles Buff

G'day all! Buff Staysail here! Buff by name and Buff by nature!

What is it about poms and the weather? All this talk about it being a bit "fresh" and going "frost-biting"?

I mean take JP, off sailing over the weekend. Ok, it was helping a mate sail his yacht over to the boat yard, but there was black ice on the foredeck! Jeez, you never get that in Brisbane.

JP was going on about these new mid layers he bought at the boat show - what a drongo! Surely he knows the only point about boat shows is the bar.

But JP said he had a great time sailing under blue skies on an empty Solent - rather him than me!

This is Buff Staysail, keeping warm and toasty, over and out!