Saturday, February 10, 2007

Celebrity Yacht Race - An Apology

There were stiff words after BS's last misadventures which seemed to have struck home. So we're giving Buff one more chance to redeem himself:

Houdy folks, Buff Staysail, here Buff by name and Buff by nature.

Got my head hung in shame today. Ibiza has not been the happy party place that Buff here had hoped for.

I'd like to apologise unconditionally to Sophie for my harsh words yesterday, and also to Sam and Trish, the two Ossie birds I was chatting to on the beach, for the accident with their bikini.

Seems like a case of a tinny or two or three too many. That's what happens when your motto is "To the bar and beyond".

(And incidentally that's also how Buzz Lightyear got his catch phrase - a memorable trip by your Buff to LA a couple of years ago).

[Ed - he's back, it's classic BS!]

Now I'm nursing a head the size of Ulura while heading off to that other famous rock. Gibraltar, to see the fleet pass through the straights.

As Buzz and me would say - "To the Atlantic and Beyond!"

This is a somber and sober Buff, signing off.