Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Celebrity Yacht Race - Buff Scoops Blunt Mystery!

Yes, Buff has done it again. While the official Celebrity Yacht Race web site is keeping to the official line of no comment, he simply picked up the phone and rang the man at the centre of the controversy Marilyn Manson, sailing on the yacht named after his ex-wife Ms Von Teese (gratuitous photo of whom can be found above).

So let's hear some more classic BS:

Howdy folks, its Buff Staysail here! Buff by name and, yes, you guessed it, Buff by nature!

Its been a tough 24 hours for yours truly even if Miami has been warm and welcoming after a long transatlantic flight. And its out there in the Atlantic that all eyes have been focused.

Ever since Manson dropped his bomb-shell that he was now sailing solo questions have been raised about the where abouts of his crew mate James Blunt.

I'm a big fan of Blunts work as you well know JP and many the time I have sung that classic song "You're Beautiful" in the bath and down the phone to my old ma in her Brisbane nursing home. So I was quick off the mark to ring Manson and find out where my hero was.

It wasn't an easy interview. The gaps in the transcript below aren't because of fading on the shore-ship link, which was a crystal clear satellite phone, that just how Marilyn spoke.

BS: Hi, Is that Marilyn Manson?

MM: mmm wwar summ at?

BS: Hello, this is Buff Staysail, I'm a reporter

MM: yump mmt - what ...rrmmmr... want?

BS: I was wondering if you could tell me about what happened to James Blunt?

MM: F***ing c*** rrmmwa.... sang that f***ing ..rrmma.... song!

BS: er?

MM: mmr mfff mmyu ... sitting ... rrhh ... back boat... rrmmm. F*** sun...rrmmm.... setting. Rmmmr f****er started singing f**** beautiful. Mrrrr no way.... rmmrr big push... rmmww... splash.... f****ing c*** gone... mmmrrr

BS: Are you saying you pushed James Blunt overboard?

MM: rrmmm.... f.....

(big pause)

BS: So how do you feel, Marilyn?

MM: rrmma.... great.... rmmm remember... wife...rmmmww great times....mmara.... illegal sex ..... rmmw peaceful....

(another big pause)

BS: So any m-

(at this point the line went dead)

Well, that doesn't look good for all Blunt fans out there.

This is BS, signing off.