Tuesday, April 29, 2008

More from Melbourne

Yesterday morning got up with the sun to see half a dozen hot air balloons drifting over Melbourne. I spotted them again today when went for a short morning run, though this time they were drifting in the distance.

Melbourne in the morning is great though a bit chilly. The sky is a subtle pink and the river full of rowers and along the banks of the Yarra the runners mix with the megaphone carrying bikers shouting encouragements to the crews out on the water.

Yesterday afternoon took one of the famous Melbourne trams down to St. Kilda and walked to the end of its pier (below) where sometimes there can be penguins.

In St Kilda there was this statue to Captain Cook who seems to have refreshed himself with a cool tin of something. Standing still like that decade after decade must be thirsty work!

Now alas must put in the tie and go to the conference. Despite appearances this is not jolly - honest!