Thursday, July 1, 2010

Blogs & Spies

I was reading an article on The Register about the alleged Russian spy ring unearthed by the FBI recently, including Anna Chapman (above). It claims they communicated using "steganography".

According to Wikipedia this involves hidden messages in open text or pictures that can be in plain view. And one example of this is leaving comments on blogs!

Golly! So those might be harmless comments about the yacht on the Thames. Or they might be instructions by an evil-doer (no doubt stroking a white cat with one hand) to let loose the sharks to attack humble kayakers on the Thames (i.e. me).

But how to spot these fiends? What clues would they leave? Maybe one should look for a poster that comments a lot and then decides later on to have his own blog as a cover story.......

Keep your eyes open, fellow bloggers!