Thursday, July 8, 2010

A proper summer

Us Brits like to grumble about the weather, particularly if we can add a dollop of nostalgia at the same time. "We used to have proper summers" is a typical complaint "when it was warm and sunny for weeks on end."

Well by golly that is just what we are having in London, and I have concrete proof: I have been out kayaking four weeks in a row! And every time it was as perfectly warm as you could want and what can only be described as summery.

Above you can see Putney Bridge earlier this evening.

There were also out on the Thames some rowing boats, old wooden ones that is not the racing type, which I thought Chris would have been interested in. Alas the "water proof" bag the camera was in turned out to be "water collecting" and soon after I took the photo above the on switch made no difference.

Ah well, it was a lovely evening.