Sunday, September 12, 2010

Tillerman and the few

INT: wooden hut from the Laser Masters Battle of Britain where pilots wait on standby. Outside the window can be seen the finely cut grass of the Hayling Island aerodrome. As this is shot in black & white the fields are not green but like everything else grey.

At a table three flying jacket wearing pilots, Squadron Leader TILLERMAN, Flight Lieutenant REGGIE STAYSAIL (who's brother migrated to Australia and had a son they nicknamed Buff) and Cadet JP are drinking tea from chipped mugs, occasionally looking out at the fading light of the afternoon where can be seen the ranked lines of full rig Spitfires and radial rig Hurricanes. A wind sock blows firm from the SW - looks like a F4

Suddenly TILLERMAN bangs his fist on the table, then stands up and walks over to look out the window.


When will this waiting end?


Easy old man!


I'm ready dammit! I just want to show Johnny foreigner how we play the game over here!


I know old boy, I know. 

JP (whispering to REGGIE)

Who is he? He doesn't sound British. 


Don't you know Tillerman? Beat "the man" in one on one match conditions. More missions under his hat then you've had hot dinners. And eats his Marmite like a man - there's Brit blood there somewhere.


What you muttering about, Reggie, with that young whipper-snapper?


Cadet JP was wondering what it felt like to go up against it out there on the big day; you know, when the balloon goes up?


Don't you know?

JP shakes his head.


How many hours frostbiting you got in your log book?




None! Do you have any idea how long I've been out there in rain, snow, sleet, hail, lightening, storms, heat waves till the standard rig Spitfire feels like its part of me? Do you know what it's like to see the opposition come flying out of the sun calling for "water" or "starboard"? Do you know it's like to suffer mast failure while out there, on your own? You'll be mince meat, of use to no one but making work for the safety boat!


Think you better stay out of the fray this time round JP, master pilots only I'm afraid

There is a knock on the door and after a pause Sergeant O'DOCKER enters.


You can stand down gents, they won't come today now. Go home, get some rest, it's the big day tomorrow: the first battles.


I feel like a pint - you coming Reggie?


Won't say no.


Hey Tillerman?

TILLERMAN pauses at the door


Good luck tomorrow!  

And with a nod TILLERMAN has gone.