Sunday, October 31, 2010

Blog's 5th Birthday

INT: RECEPTION ROOM. Balloons etc everywhere, tables with white cloth covered in used plates and half drunk wine glasses. At the top is a stage with mic and spot light, into which comes the familiar form of Buff Staysail.
Howdy folks, Buff Staysail here! Buff by name and Buff by nature!

We're here to celebrate a very special occasion! No it's not that ol' Buff has got that opening as Aqua Stigg on Top Yacht - or at least not yet!

We're here for a special party for JP to celebrate the 5th anniversary of his blog! And what an exciting five years its been - well for me at least. Probably rather boring for poor old JP who didn't get to go to Valencia for the AC33 like yours truly.

But anyhow, good to see so many of you here today for this party and prize giving bash. So without further ado,  come on up JP, you've a cut to cake!

JP (off stage)
Er... cake to cut?

Whatever, just get up here

JP (joining BS)
Gosh, this so unexpected. I'd like to thank you the readers for making this all worth while and off course for making all this possible.....err....hmm.. I'd also like to thank my agent but alas don't have one...err...hmm.. think that's it

Gee, couldn't think of more to say than that? Anyway, don't go away JP because we have arranged a special prize for you!

What can it be? What prize can ol' Buff be thinking of? Stay tuned for more.....