Saturday, March 19, 2011

Moon photo for Super Moon Day

Today is not just any full moon, its a super full moon!

Well to be precise it's a full moon when it is also at its perigee i.e. nearest point to the Earth, and hence is just slightly bigger than normal. It is not actually the nearest so don't fear Hollywood style destruction, as it will be closer still in 2016.

The above photo was taken yesterday when the moon was nearly but not quite exactly full. It's also not quite as sharp as I'd like and I'm wondering why. I tried getting the exposure time down to reduce motion blur, but that didn't help so I'm wondering if its a sign of weakness in the lens.

Its a rather cheap and cheerful 70 - 300 mm Canon lens, the bottom of their range, and with a new 18 megapixel camera that is likely to be the weakest point. So I have been checking out options on and as always the best lenses are the most expensive and heavy, which is not helpful.

One question I'm not sure on is whether it would be better to go for a higher quality lens at 200 mm or a not quite so good lens at 300 mm - any suggestions? I really do not want anything too big or heavy - or silly expensive.