Sunday, September 21, 2008

Dunkirk Rescue Medals Rescued

In these troubled times when around a trillion dollars has been bet and lost in the financial markets and the tab passed to us the taxpayer, a heart warming story to cheer you up.

Last week as part of the Thames Festival as well as the Great River Race there as also a celebration of the little ships that saved the British Army from disaster at Dunkirk in 1940.

As Charles Brown, one of the veterans of those dark days, got aboard one of the little ships at Kingston he alas lost two rows of medals, including those from Dunkirk and Normandy landings and also his OBE.

On hearing of Mr Brown's distress the local RNLI at Teddington sent scuba divers to undertake a finger tip search in the muddy and murky waters of the Thames.

Happily this story, like that of Dunkirk itself, had a happy ending, with Mr Brown re-united with the medals rescued from another potentially watery end!