Friday, September 19, 2008

London Pirate Festival

Lock up your boats and your daughters too, it be Speak like a Pirate day today, the 19th of September! Aye, it be, so avast there!

Even the lowest of low landlubber can join old deck hands and speak like those tars with the freedom of the seas.

After last week's Thames Festival we celebrate in ol' London Town the wild debauchery of the "London Pirate Festival" - have a grog goggled eye full of Mad Cap'n Tom and Sailor Girl who have taken over The Golden Hinde!

There are pirate skirmishes, rum tasting, burlesque, comedy, and much much more!

By the powers, tip me the black spot, due to prior commitments (again) will be unable to swash any buckles.

But watch out, ye water folk of Cambridge, as Cap'n JP is heading your way! Again!


(Surely that's enough pirate talk for not just one day but one entire year)