Sunday, May 10, 2009

Volume 1, Edition 1: Ladies who Sail

Welcome to this the inaugural edition of the latest of new media web 2.0 twitter friendly next generation sailing web site. Say goodbye to Jensen & Hawley debt collectors banging on your door annoying the neighbours and say hello to the sensation that is "Ladies who sail",

Thought up by none other than sailing journalism legend Buff "BS" Staysail after 5 too many mojitos during the recent Antigua sailing week, we are on to what can only be a blogger hit count success, as research amongst regulars at The Rum Barrel Bar showed that after a cool one the topic most on the mind of these sailors was a hottie.

We kick off with Samantha (above) who lists her hobbies as sailing around the world and speaking French! Samantha has a degree in engineering from Cambridge.

Look out for more ladies who sail in future editions - bookmark us now!

And if this doesn't float your boat, don't forget to check out our "brother" site "Sailing Men".

Update: Oh no! Seems like our burn rate has been a bit too high and operating a top of the line media site with no actual income is not a valid business model. Unless some VC comes forward with more working capital within the next 30 seconds this will become the first and only edition of "Ladies who Sail".

Update Update: This is an official message from the receivers who have been appointed to forclose on "Ladies who sail". Anyone with a claim should contact us at O-Dock, San Francisco, USA.