Sunday, February 7, 2010

AC-33: Buff in Valencia!

Howdy folks, Buff Staysail here! Buff by name and Buff by nature!

Yup, you read that right, ol' Buff has got himself over to Valencia to report on the one, the only, yes, its America's Cup 33!

And what a show it will be, two monster multi-hulls both styled in gun metal carbon fibre, two beasts hunger for the prize, battle it out under the Spanish sun!!

Your's truly is right in the centre of things, having had a beer with the brother of the security guard at the BMW Oracle yard. Turns out they have a secret weapon, and at the press conference I was all prepared with the question of the moment.

"How do BMW Oracle sailors keep their hats on?"

I mean, have a look at the picture above. Here's the rocket ship powering away at 30 knots or something and the crewman's hat is still on his head.

From past experience those baseball hats are the first thing to go in a race, and it's a bit of a palaver to go round and pick the darn thing up (though JP will insist its good man overboard practice).

Alas the BMW Oracle team were keeping mum but there's clearly secrets in that camp that have yet to be told!!

Watch this space for a Buff special update!