G'day all! Buff Staysail here! Buff by name and Buff by nature!
Now that the truth is finally out (see previous post) we can move this blog to a higher gear! And what better place to start than a build your own boat project to keep you busy now the evenings are getting longer!!
And Buff's got a cracker for you - nothing less than construction of a replica of the famous Cutty Sark!
Can you imagine the excitement you will get as you set sail for the first time in your brand new tea clipper! Watch your neighbours go green with envy as this three masted classic is put together piece by piece in your driveway!!
Over the next 3293 weeks we will be learning the key skills of boat building. To prepare you need just a few basic tools:
- hammer
- nails
- saw
- iron foundry
- rock elm wood
- pitch pine wood
- canvas (misc)
- tar
- paint
- brush
Sign up now!!!
This is Buff Staysail, master ship builder, over and out!!