Friday, April 1, 2011

JP accepts adverts shock!!

It's a sad day here at JP HQ where we've finally accepted a big fat cheque in order to run the above advert. Alas the number of zeros were just too tempting, so take it away, Buff Enterprises!!

G'day all, Buff Staysail here, Buff by name and Buff by nature!!!

I'm here today to bring you a special offer you just can't resist!! Is your blog dull? Do you want a bit more bzing?? Well look no further, for I've got just the thing you need - a couple of exclamation marks!!

That's right, we at Buff Enterprises are here to provide you with the punctuation value-added that can only add excitement to the most boring of sentences! As we cater for all tastes - just look at a sample of the selection on offer:
You don't need any training or special equipment - just sprinkle wildly over any document for some added B.S. magic!!

Order yours today - you know it makes sense!!

This is Buff Staysail, CEO of Buff Enterprises, supplier of exclamation marks to the stars, over and out!!

Warning: large exclamation marks are heavy and should be moved only by persons with suitable heavy lift equipment. Over use of exclamation marks can make text and reader tired. Recommended dosage - one per sentence maximum. Not recommended for those being examined for their written English. Some writers can be allergic to their use - anyone suffering from F.Scott Fitzgerald syndrome are advised NOT to purchase this product.

Updated: Oh dear, the cheque from Buff Enterprises bounced, so its back to ad free blogging then.