Saturday, August 20, 2011

JP leads interweb in post planking trending stocking

A few months ago I noticed that this blog's visitor stats were racing ahead, maybe a third higher than normal. What was it? I wondered. Was it Buff Staysail? Top Yacht? Descriptions of travel from back in 2009?

Nope, it was a post titled "Writing like" about a site that claimed it could detect writing styles. To accompany the text I added a picture taken from the web found after a quick Google, the one on the left above. And now Google images servers, deep in the heart of Mountain View, had decided that my picture was just great and had promoted it to a top placing.

Hmmm... thought I, how weird. Then for some strange reason it annoyed me: these hits weren't really my hits at all, they were for someone else's picture. So enough is enough, I think, its time to replace that stock photo with one of my own creation, the one on the right above.

And it did the trick. Google's algorithms had a collective seizure as they discovered their cached record was out of date and consequently dropped that web page down the rankings into oblivion, taking my site's traffic with it. Hurray!

So the matter rested until today when I read this story on Gizmodo, about something called "stocking" which is apparently the new "planking". I'm sure that you with-it in-time trending people all know about planking - after all it has its own Wikipedia entry.

However stocking was a new one to me. Apparently it involves "re-creating the world of the stock photo" and has its own web site here. It is so cutting edge that if you Google images "stocking" you don't find a single real "stocking" image!

But hang on: isn't that what I just did - several months ago? Maybe this blog is part of the post-planking trending interweb - nay, leading the pack, setting the pro-stocking agenda!!

I think I might go and lie down now - but not in planking way of course. This would be soooooo last month.