Thursday, August 25, 2011

Stocking the America's Cup

This blog recently led the interweb into the brave new world of stocking. For those of you in need of a "previously on... " recap, stocking is the recreation of the world of the stock photo which is apparently the next planking (oh come on, you must of heard of planking).

Keen to continue this cutting edge trend-setting status after a bit of staging I put together the above and I'm sure you'll spot the uncanny likeness to this America's Cup photo:
Wow, you're probably thinking. How did you manage that JP? Where did you get that AC45? How could you re-create the natural amphitheatre of the San Francisco Bay?

The keen eyed will of course spot that the hull colour is wrong - darn, there is only so much attention to detail this blogger can manage.

But think of it as a challenge - or an opportunity. You too could become in-time with-it happening interwebbers - you too could enter the world of stocking.

So how about it ? Any interest in a new group exercise, the Boating Blogger's Stocking Challenge?

The uber-cool could even try stocking the O'Docker planking  - but easy tiger! Experts only for that assignment!