Sunday, June 14, 2009

The war on fish

I'm currently watching the final episode of the BBC nature program "South Pacific" which is pretty terrifying.

Purse Seine nets are the latest in fishing technology and they can hoover up whole shoals of tuna, a hundred and fifty tonnes in one go, including the young before they have a chance to breed (and in the filming of South Pacific also a film crew).

If this goes on, there will be nothing left. Nothing.

A global tuna collapse, the Newfoundland cod bank disaster worldwide, followed by other species.

At the same time a film has been released called "The End of the Line" which has already had a major impact here in the UK.

The sandwich retailer Pret A Manger has already banned the most at risk blue fin tuna from its shops.

Not all tuna fishing is bad. But unless it is clearly labeled line caught from substainable sources I'd say don't reward this stupid, short sighted, destructive, act of vandalism.