Another weekend another Tillerman group writing project and none other than Mr T himself is asking why we join in.
Oh no! Is the effort of thinking up new ideas getting too much or - OMG! - the reading?
Now assuming it's not a critical review, how should we answer? What, indeed, is the attraction?
It's worth going back to the why-blog angst post in January when one objective of this little corner of the big wide world web was to be part of the sailing blogging community (what ever that might be).
But that's not enough, for if it were I'd be happy to do one of those Mexican Waves that was shown on Bonnies blog rather than grumpily mutter I'll stand when I want and jolly well sit if I'd rather.
The main reason to do the group writes because they're interesting.
Its partly the challenge. Can I think up something different that's reasonably readable about this subject within a few days, fitting around the rest of life.
And something so far has popped out of the subconscious, maybe in relief at being able to contract out the task of having to think up a blog subject.
No guarantees that will always be the case!